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Programming Trends to Know


The world of computers and programs is always evolving with every passing minute. What was hip today may not be outdated tomorrow. Trends keep emerging every new day. Some are good and are often quickly embraced by the masses. However, some trends need to be given second thought. It is always best to take a wait and see approach rather than going with the bandwagon. Take time to understand the new programming fad. Here are some of those trends.


Cloud computing


It is actually a good innovation but for governments and companies that are concerned about the safety of their data, they need to press on the breaks for a while. This should be until the security concerns are addressed, and some standards put in place. Going with the flow can be very costly as it poses a threat on the data of the agency. Once the two have been taken care of then government agencies can go ahead and use the innovation.


Openness is fading away


The open source software was such a huge success and made things a bit easy for everybody. It was cost-effective as people could easily fix their machines without having to get a geek to do it for you. Unfortunately, this is now going away. Most companies are doing away with the fad of openness. You will now have a lot to worry if for instance the new secure booting sequence on windows 8 will be able to accept other operating systems. This will limit innovation in many ways. One will be forced to find the initial programmer like Roger on MDN in order to crack any problems with their gadgets.


Bandwidth is no longer free.


This can be attributed to addition of more ISPs that in turn add bandwidth caps and metering. Programmers will now have to worry a lot on bandwidth consumption. Traffic will be metered constantly. What this means is that javascript and CSS files need to be minimized so as to save on the on bandwidth. Failure to do so will have consumers opting for other languages that do not consume a lot of bandwidth. This will then result in loss of business. Read to find out about the different programming languages available today.


The three are just some of the many programming trends that individuals, companies and the state have to be wary of to avoid making gross mistakes. Being cautious is very important because with programs, important data can easily get to the wrong hands or just vanish into the air. Check out this SoundCloud Roger Poon, an expert programmer.

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